Privacy Policy
This page is used to inform user regarding our privacy policy, if anyone decided to use this application.
Information Collection
For a better user experience while using our application, it may require to read "INTERNET STATUS INFORMATION" in order to show the advertisement. Some application may require to allow permission such as "INTERNAL DATA STORAGE" and "RECORD AUDIO" so that the application which has functionality to record audio can work properly. Other application may not require to use this permission.
Information Security
The application is only use internet connection to load the advertisement. Therefore, it should be not bother user data privacy. The data which stored in internal storage is used for application, we never send it to any third parties. We also guarantee that we do not write anything that has no relation with the application.
Our product is free to download and install, nevertheless user should accept the advertisement shown on our application. In order to show the advertisement that suitable with children, we implement the content filter of the advertisement, so the advertisement is suitable with all of children age.
All content, including but not limited to audio, animation, images and designs is protected by law. Users and other parties are prohibited from reusing without permission from Diddu Studio.